TFA Lunch and Learn Series

The Professional Affairs Committee of the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association welcomes all TFA members to attend any of the  following on-line sessions:  Grievances – Thursday, January 18th, noon-12:45 Facilitators: Corrine Hart, Chair, TFA Grievance Committee, Andre Foucault, ED Labour Relations, and  Shiraz Valley, Labour Relations Officer.  The Tenure Process – Thursday, February 15th, noon-12:45 Facilitator: Andre…

Negotiations General Membership Meeting – November 2nd

TFA members, as required by the TFA Bylaw, there will be a General Membership Meeting to seek the endorsement of the recommendation by the Negotiating Committee that the TFA seek binding arbitration in their dispute with the Administration on the re-negotiation of the Collective Agreement. An update will also be provided on the TFA negotiations…

Navitas at TMU – What faculty need to know

The TFA has prepared the following brief to inform members of the status of Navitas operations at TMU. This brief addresses concerns regarding the university’s partnership agreement with Navitas, the status of TFA’s Navitas grievance, and what faculty need to know when their departments are approached with Navitas participation proposals.  Executive Summary In 2020, TMU…

TFA Backgrounder: TMU Social Media Policy

Background  In spring of 2021, a donor to TMU’s School of Fashion posted a photograph with Donald Trump on her social media. The post attracted attention from students, faculty, alumni and community members at the School and many raised concerns about the donor’s implied endorsement of the former US President and his political positions and…

Say no to privatization at Algoma University

The Algoma University Faculty Association is fighting back against the privatization of their university. Faculty at Algoma U (AU) have been designing and delivering courses in a graduate certificate in Project Management since 2021. This fall, AU management has transferred course design and delivery responsibilities for this certificate to Yorkville University, a private, for-profit university with…

Join us for TFA membership drop-ins

This semester the TFA will be hosting three membership drop-ins at our office.  Have questions about the TFA? Want to get involved in the TFA? Come by our office to meet the new TFA executives and new staff members and talk about the TFA. Light refreshments will be provided. When: Where: TFA office, Kerr Hall…