Bargaining updates are available here for RFA members. Members must be logged in to view bargaining updates.

CESAR Panel Series on Issues in Post Secondary Education

On behalf of  CESAR (Continuing Education Students at Ryerson) we would like to let you know of a series that CESAR is presenting on Issues in Post Secondary Education.

The  panels will take place on the following dates:

July 2 – Fairness for International Students

July 16 –  State of Public Education & Privatisation

August 6 2020 – Students and Workers United Against Precarious Work

The link to the series is

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RFA Statement of Solidarity As Communities Protest Across the World

Dear Colleagues,

The Ryerson Faculty Association stands in solidarity with those demonstrating against racist violence. We oppose any hateful discourse and actions from those in power. We call on our members and the wider Ryerson community to be vigilant in fighting racism and abuses of power.   

Ian Sakinofsky, President,

On behalf of the Ryerson Faculty Association

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Dec 5 General Membership Meeting

This is to inform you that the RFA General Membership meeting will take place on December 5, 2019 from 12-2 pm in the International Room, ILC.  Lunch will be served at noon and the meeting will start promptly at 12:30 pm.

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Nov. 6: Student Strike

Ryerson students are planning a strike on Wednesday November 6th to protest the Provincial Government’s funding cuts to post-secondary education.

The RFA supports our Ryerson students in this strike.  We ask our members to consider supporting those students who may choose to participate on November 6th as they demonstrate their opposition to the Government assault on post-secondary education. We all have a duty to teach and supervise our courses, but if we can be flexible on Nov. 6th the students would be appreciative.

Information about the Day of Action can be found here.

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Global Climate Strike Sept. 27

The RFA Executive has endorsed the Global Climate Strike and the Toronto Activities that are scheduled to take place this Friday, September 27th at Queen’s Park. As per the request of the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) and the Continuing Education Student’s Association of Ryerson (CESAR) we ask that you accommodate student involvement by not penalizing them for missing class during the walkout and by granting extensions on academic assignments and tests originally scheduled for the time period of the walk-out. The Provost has sent a message requesting faculty to accommodate students as well. It can be read here.

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Summer Office Hours

The RFA office will be open from Monday to Thursday (closed on Friday) during the summer starting June 14th. Various Office Staff and Executive will be taking their vacations during the summer however we will have enough coverage to assist with issues or answer questions that you may have.

You can access the RFA office by using your One card at the KHS entrance.

The University itself will be closed during July and August and grievance timelines in the Collective Agreement are frozen during this period.

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RFA Statement On Murders In New Zealand

The RFA and all its members stand in solidarity with our colleagues around the world in condemning yesterday’s heinous murders at two mosques in New Zealand.  In a free society no-one should ever fear practicing their faith, anywhere.  Our condolences go out to the families of those whose lives were taken.


On behalf of the RFA,

Ron Babin

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RFA statement on murders in Pittsburgh

The Ryerson Faculty Association and its members are outraged and saddened by the recent shootings at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.  We see this act as a direct repercussion of the hateful discourse taking place in many countries, which encourages anti-Semitism, xenophobia, islamophobia, and other racist actions.  Innocent people are now being harmed, and killed, as a result of the use of hate speech.   Our sorrow and sympathies go to the families and communities affected by this terrible act.

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